Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Elaboration and creating non boring art using new media.

There is a specific correlation of how a lesson is taught and how the student approaches the project using those methods. Specifically when it comes to procedural learning. I have seen people fall behind while learning technical skill and then made half hearted and forced projects. I have had bad experiences with procedural learning, because if taught wrong, it forces a creative barrier when you are taught there is one specific way to do something. 
Similar, I had a teacher that forced it down my throat and was so nitpicky when it came down to details. It is honestly why I have a strong distaste for creating still-life images and every still life image I have ever created looks forced. I am different however because I actively looked into learning technological approaches to art for my own benefit, and high concept artwork like that specifically is very procedural and confusing to learn. 
High concept technological learning and requires elaboration. Open ended artwork is specifically what keeps an artist interested. If the student feels emotionally connected and feels that the project is exciting and enticing, they will listen and learn through the procedural learning. They will then elaborate on their own to create a project that resembles. 
In art education, i believe all assignments should be open ended because at a high school age, art is mostly self discovery in style and skill. In the article, Courtney Bryant, found her struggling with students creating bland and boring art. She was correct with reevaluating her methods. Art is problem solving and If a student creates something that they identify with, something that they find themselves putting in extra time and effort to create. They will do the extra problem solving, learning other ways and increasing their own knowledge of the technology. The works they produce from this will not be boring nor feel processed and hopefully inspire them to keep on creating. 

Also; One of my favorite artists, Rafael Grampa, recently just had a fascinating Absolut Vodka commercial about how he became inspired by art and why he creates art. My style is heavily influenced by him so I found this pretty rad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKI_iAh5f_A

1 comment:

  1. Hi, there! I am a former 3rd and 4th grade elementary teacher and was very interested in your interpretation of this tension between teaching technical skills and also invited your students to use this as a space for meaning making and self-initiated exploration. I really enjoyed drawing during my free time in elementary school, but when I entered middle school, I was very much turned off by the stuffiness of our required art courses. On the other hand, the art teacher in the school in which I taught was brilliant at responsive teaching and engaging our students. When they were getting inspired, she would encourage the students to take their projects home, find an awesome creative spot, and get to work. I thought this was brilliant and the students would end up on the playground and other places working on their projects in their free time.
